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iLla willa


          iLLa wiLLa creates original music with influences of neo-soul and indie rock from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. From the mountains of North Carolina, iLLa wiLLa composes and produces his music and lyrics with the intention to always keep in mind nature and the world that surrounds us. Inspired by groups such as HIatus Kaiyote and Alt-J, iLLa wiLLa has created his own unique sound that encapsulates many complexities of emotion.


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Debut e.p.

     iLLa wiLLa's debut self titled EP showcases his multi-instrumental ability as well as his desire to collaborate. Loaded with powerful melodies from vocals, synths, guitars, and the use of cutting edge recording techniques, iLLa wiLLa unfolds sonic possibilities that give the listener's ear an emotional adventure.


Watch Now: New Sense 

      Breaking the cycle of a mundane daily existence can be challenging for many. In iLLa wiLLa’s tune, “New Sense”, he describes how it can be difficult to escape the repetitiveness that is propagated by our society. Through the use of metaphors, both lyrically and visually, iLLa wiLLa highlights the journey of breaking free from a monotonous routine to revitalize an individualized sense of awareness as well as vibrant happiness.

C l o s e d  M i n d e d

feat. Crosby Cofod and Stephanie Morgan


F E M I N I N E  M A C H I N E

feat. Ana Scott and Will O'Dell

By nature, we were birthed unto the earth, at the will of our mothers womb. Men can achieve greatness, but to what extent should they exert their evolved nature, undermining the power of those who created it? Give it up for Mother Nature, this one's for her.


In iLLa wiLLa's "Feminine Machine", not only Ana Scott on vocals and Will O'Dell on trumpet are featured artists, but natural recordings of cicadas haunt the song adding to the rhythm and vibe. There are many rhythmic occurrences happening in nature, but for iLLa wiLLa, cicadas represent how perfection can only be found intrinsically in the "birds and bees" and all else given to us by Mother nature.  

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